
Is Soda Water a Healthy  Choice for Your Teeth?

The Acidity in Soda Water: How It’s Created

Soda water, also known as carbonated water, is created by dissolving carbon dioxide (CO₂) gas into water under pressure. When CO₂ is added to water, it forms carbonic acid (H₂CO₃), which gives soda water its slightly tangy taste. Although carbonic acid is a weak acid, it still lowers the pH of the water, making it more acidic compared to plain water.

Here’s a breakdown:

1.Carbonation Process: When CO₂ is injected into water, it forms carbonic acid.

2. pH Levels: The presence of carbonic acid reduces the pH of soda water to around 3-4, making it more acidic than regular water, which has a neutral pH of around 7.

While the acidity in soda water isn't as high as in sugary sodas or fruit juices, frequent exposure to acidic beverages can still have an impact on your dental health, particularly the enamel.

How Cavities Are Formed

1. Cavities (or dental caries) are formed through a process that involves both bacteria in your mouth and the presence of acids. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown:

2. Plaque Formation: Your mouth is home to many bacteria. When you eat or drink sugary or starchy foods, these bacteria feed on the sugars and produce acid as a byproduct. The bacteria, food particles, and acid combine to form plaque, a sticky film that adheres to your teeth.

3. Acid Attack: The acids produced by the bacteria in plaque start to attack your tooth enamel, the hard, protective outer layer of your teeth. Over time, repeated acid attacks weaken the enamel, causing it to lose minerals and become porous.

4. Enamel Breakdown: If the acid attacks continue without proper oral hygiene, the enamel can break down, leading to small holes or cavities. Once the enamel is compromised, the decay can spread to deeper layers of the tooth, potentially reaching the dentin and even the pulp, where nerves and blood vessels are located.

How Soda Water Contributes to Enamel Erosion and Cavity Formation

Even though soda water doesn't contain sugar, the carbonic acid it forms can still weaken enamel over time, especially with frequent consumption. This weakening of the enamel makes the teeth more vulnerable to the acids produced by bacteria, leading to a higher risk of cavities.

Key points to emphasize:

Enamel Erosion: Acids from soda water can gradually erode the enamel, making teeth more susceptible to decay.

Increased Vulnerability: With weakened enamel, bacteria have an easier time attacking the tooth, potentially leading to cavities, especially if oral hygiene isn't maintained.

Tips for Protecting Teeth from Soda Water's Effects

Limit Exposure: Enjoy soda water in moderation.

Use a Straw: Drinking through a straw minimizes direct contact between the acidic liquid and your teeth.

Rinse with Water: After drinking soda water, rinse your mouth with plain water to help neutralize the acidity.

Maintain Oral Hygiene: Brush and floss regularly to remove plaque and protect your enamel.

If you're concerned about the effects of soda water on your teeth or if you want to know more, just call us. We're here to help!


We now offer Afterpay


Melbourne Road Dental Surgery is proud to announce we are now offering Afterpay to our lovely smiling clients.

Have you ever looked at your friends white smiles and wished to be yours?

Have you ever wished to go out for a meal, order what you love, without the fear that you might break that patched tooth?

At MRDS we have always looked for ways to make you smile. Our mission is to provide quality care and service to your precious teeth, and now with the addition of Afterpay we are thrilled to offer you the option to pay in four easy instalments. You can still achieve that great clean smile while not having to stress about the upfront expense.

Now our grand city is reopening and it is time to indulge in the fine wine, food and coffee Melbourne has to offer. Your teeth will be put back to work and will require more careful attention, which we can certainly help you with.

So if you’re experiencing any discomfort or simply require a checkup to keep your pearls shining brightly this festive season, we’ve got you covered.

For further information, terms and conditions, call our office on 9391 1050

Protocols and Procedures at MRDS


Dear patients, to keep you and our team safe and to minimise the risk of spreading COVID-19, we have put in place the following protocols:

  • All patients are triaged over the phone prior to making an appointment
  • A text message confirmation/ reminder is sent the day before the appointment
  • Patients are asked to arrive on time for their appointment, in order to minimise traffic in the waiting room
  • The premises  (door handles, surfaces, taps, chairs, etc ) are cleaned and disinfected before and after each patient. We have also installed air purifiers to ensure a clean atmosphere throughout the day
  • All patients are directed to the bathroom to wash their hands prior to taking a seat in the waiting area
  • We do an antiseptic mouth rinse for 20-30 seconds before any treatment/ examination
  • Hygiene/ periodontal treatments are done by hand scale only (no ultrasonic scalers)
  • All restorative procedures are provided under rubber dam isolation
  • Surgical extractions are referred to an oral surgeon

Please note if you’re experiencing flu like symptoms, fever, coughing, or if you’re feeling unwell, please contact us to reschedule your appointment.

Please attend your appointment by yourself unless you require the assistance of a parent, carer, or a guardian. Notify us in advance since they need to be triaged as well.

5 Reasons to Bring Your Little One to the Dentist Early!


As parents, we all want the best for our children, and that includes their dental health. It’s easy to assume that kids don’t need to visit the dentist until their adult teeth come in, but starting early can make a huge difference in their overall health and confidence. Here are five important reasons why early and regular dental visits are key for your child’s health!

1. Catch Problems Before They Hurt

Just like regular pediatrician checkups, dental visits can catch potential problems before they become serious. Many issues, like cavities, can develop in baby teeth even before they cause any pain or noticeable symptoms. Bringing your child to the dentist early ensures we can spot these problems and treat them before they turn into something bigger.

Think of it like this: early detection means less pain, less discomfort, and often less expense down the road. Prevention is always better (and easier) than cure. Plus, wouldn’t you rather catch a tiny cavity now rather than deal with a toothache later? Regular visits keep everything in check and help your child avoid those dreaded dental emergencies.

2. Start Great Habits Early

Bringing your child to the dentist at a young age helps them feel comfortable and familiar with the experience. Early visits help children see the dentist as a normal, positive part of life—something to look forward to rather than fear.

At our family-friendly practice, we make sure every visit is fun and gentle, giving your child the confidence they need to establish great dental habits for life. They’ll learn the importance of brushing, flossing, and caring for their teeth, setting them up for success as they grow. The earlier they start these good habits, the easier it is for them to maintain a healthy smile as they get older.

3. Keep an Eye on Growth

Did you know that regular dental visits do more than just check for cavities? A key part of early dental care is monitoring the development of your child’s teeth and jaw. Every child grows at a different rate, and our dental team will carefully track how their teeth are coming in and how their jaw is developing.

This is especially important because we can spot potential issues early, such as misalignment or crowding, and provide guidance on what to expect as their permanent teeth start to come in. With regular monitoring, we can address any concerns before they become bigger problems down the line.

4. Fight Off Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is one of the most common childhood dental issues, but it’s also highly preventable! By starting early and establishing a regular routine of professional cleanings, we can help keep your child’s teeth strong and healthy. Our dental team will remove any plaque or buildup that regular brushing might miss, helping to reduce the risk of cavities and decay.

We also work with you and your child to create healthy routines at home, whether that’s brushing more effectively, using the right toothpaste, or making small changes to your child’s diet that can have a big impact on their dental health.

5. Help for Parents Too

One of the best parts of early dental visits is the guidance and education that comes with it—for you, the parent! We’ll provide expert advice on everything from the best brushing techniques for toddlers to tips on nutrition and snack choices that promote good oral health.

Every family is different, and we’ll tailor our advice to fit your child’s unique needs. Whether you’re wondering about thumb-sucking, how to handle teething, or what to do if your child knocks out a tooth, we’ve got you covered.


Conclusion: Start Early, Smile Longer!

Early dental care is about much more than just teeth—it’s about building confidence, healthy habits, and a strong foundation for a lifetime of good oral health. By bringing your child to the dentist early, you’re setting them up for a bright, healthy smile that will last a lifetime.

At our family-friendly practice, we’re here to make every visit fun and stress-free for both you and your child. If it’s time for your little one’s first checkup, or if you just have questions about their dental health, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help!